Hello beautiful people!

So glad and excited to be a part of this new journey. I can feel the jitters running down my spine, there’s a feeling of nervousness coupled with excitment…..it’s similar to that feeling that I encountered years back when I stepped in my class for the first time. I had to make new friends,conquer unknown obstacles and a new world awaited for me…..

For years, my life had been really monotonous dedicated to my dear ones. A few days back I came across William Blake’s poem “A Grain of Sand”. It was a beautiful poem. It was so deep, it’s impact was indelible. For the first time in so many years I began to look at my life from a different perspective……something inside me got awakened. Are we in this world just to do our duties? Are we contributing our bit to this society? No, its not just the physical actions which contribute , it is our thoughts, our beliefs, our ideas, our passions which contribute to the society as well. To live a beautiful and meaningful life its essential to look up to the sky to have a higher perspective , with feet grounded in the soil full of motivation, optimism, creativity and fearlessness. I believe that we are not in this world rather this world is within us.

One should aspire to be a giver, a giver of optimism, a giver of good vibes and a giver of strength….

So let’s begin the journey!…..

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